This +2 javelin has extra range, deals extra damage, and flies back to your hand after its thrown. Magic Armor: These are the most common magical items you can get to boost your AC. These glasses allow you to cast Charm Person three times a day. You can also add or subtract 1d4 from a d20 roll someone makes. This is particularly powerful when in the hands of a College of Glamour bard. These rings allow you to ignore magical restrictions in Undermountain. Are the models of infinitesimal analysis (philosophically) circular? This is obviously fantastic in the hands of a warlock, doubling the amount of Eldritch Blasts you fire in one turn. This opal has a fire rune on it that you can use to manipulate fire in several ways. This is probably the best shard available in the game. Once a week, you can use this horn to summon 3d4+4 warrior spirits that look like minotaurs to fight alongside you. If it is opened, one of several undesirable effects may happen. Many different belts exist, each setting your Strength score to a specified number. Hazirawn is a neutral evil sentient +2 greatsword that deals an extra 2d6 necrotic damage on a hit. There is enough dust in one packet to turn you and every creature and object within 10 feet of you invisible for 2d4 minutes. This belt gives you resistance to lightning and thunder damage and a Strength score of 21 (unless your score is already higher). This book has an affinity for transmutation magic. You can plant a regular shrub in this pot to create an awakened shrub that is friendly toward you. Beware: it is an extradimensional space, so do not place it inside a Bag of Holding or Portable Hole. This +1 magic quarterstaff also provides a +1 to spell attack rolls. This key has a small chance of unlocking any lock, but it can only do so once. Clerics are so broad and defined by their subclasses that a cleric could make use of almost any item. Additionally, once a day, you can use this to become incorporeal when you take damage, taking half the damage you normally would. For clerics wading into battle, this can be a great source of additional damage. This +3 warhammer can be used as a thrown weapon. You dont have space to hold a shield. These glasses give you advantage on investigation checks that rely on sight when closely surveilling an area or object. It can also be used to turn a failure into a success when an undead creature forces you to make a saving throw. You can use a bonus action to create an illusory effect both on this clothing and one that rises off of it, such as ruffling grass and floating butterflies. While this is a potent item, the 5e approach completely eliminates the stat boosting arms race of 3e. This stone can be used to undo an action. These bracers grant you proficiency with a longbow and shortbow, which you already have. Instead of a bonus to your Perception, you instead gain the Alert feat for your entire party. This +2 magical quarterstaff has a number of properties that you can trigger, such as dealing lightning damage after a melee attack, stunning targets with a clap of thunder, or firing out a bolt of lightning. Its blade bends like a jagged S shape, and its crossguard Laden with loot and bruises, the D&D party returns to town after a harrowing dungeon crawl in the abandoned mine Ethan is a storyteller, GM, and all-around nerd. Use this to get out of harms way, get behind cover, or keep your enemies guessing where you are. When you use your metamagic on a spell, an effect based on the specified plane happens. This +3 weapon has six buttons that allow it to transform and activate several different abilities, such as becoming a Flame Tongue or a battering ram with a +10 bonus on Strength checks made to break through barriers. A tiny clockwork crab that must be wound up in order to operate. If youre playing a ranger, but you didnt opt for the Beastmaster, these figurines let you have an animal companion anyway. This ring functions the same as the Cloak of Protection, giving you a +1 to your AC and saving throws. "ERROR: column "a" does not exist" when referencing column alias, First story where the hero/MC trains a defenseless village against raiders. This morningstar holds the power of Bane. This Yklwa gives you a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with it. This ring lets you expend a charge to succeed on a Dexterity saving throw when you fail one. A piece of magical ammunition that provides a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. +1 very good points. Armor made of mithral does not impose disadvantage on stealth checks. Drinking this potion puts you under the effects of the Clairvoyance spell. Covering a creature in this oil puts them under the effects of the Freedom of Movement spell for 8 hours, while pouring it on the ground has the same effect as the Grease spell for 8 hours. It can cause the first person that makes an attack to take psychic damage equal to half the damage they dealt, and it makes attack rolls against you have disadvantage. A staff that can be used to create a wide variety of bird calls. Most magic items for warlocks let you cast additional spells, enhance your Eldritch Blast or improve your AC. This armor is a repurposed leather golem. You can consume the magic of this manual to increase your Charisma score by 2. This can take your social interactions to the next level, and if things go wrong, you can turn into someone else or back into yourself free of suspicion. If youre wearing adamantine armor, a critical hit becomes a normal hit. However, there are still options that are clearly exceptional: The head of this staff can transform into a poisonous snakehead, and the staff can be used as a melee weapon. Pulling a tooth from the bag conjures up several creatures and has one of many random effects. The puzzle boxes, made of infernal iron, cannot be opened by magical means or damaged in any way. This rod allows you to deal lightning damage as a reaction to taking damage from a creature within 60 feet of you. This ring allows you to breathe water, and it gives you a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. If youre wielding a bow and arrow at range, its hard for enemies to hit you. This gives you the monks 6th-level ability early and boosts the damage of your flurry of blows. A creature coated in this oil can travel in the ethereal plane. This also stacks with the next option. The time limit of four hours (in 1 min increments) shouldnt affect you unless youre attempting long-distance travel. If feats, epic boons, or multi-classing is an option, then they might be useful for you to pick up if the items are difficult to come by. Site Maintenance- Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 UTC (Thursday Jan 19 9PM Would it break the game to have a Constitution-based spellcaster? These shoes allow you to walk on vertical and upside-down surfaces. This shield hovers around you, letting you fight in Wild Shape while still benefiting from a shields +2 AC bonus. When you speak this rings command word you gain the ability to see through solid objects as if they were transparent. These powerful tools created by the mother of witches defy all laws of mortal magic. You can also use this to cast the Mending spell. Their abilities can further enhance a sorcerer's ability at what they want to do or spellcasting in general. This potion gives you a flying speed equal to your walking speed and the ability to hover for 1 hour. Once you reach 5th level, this will compete with Uncanny Dodge but is still worth it. The Rod of Absorption is one of the more powerful magic items available to spellcasters. This amulet allows the wearer to regain 4d4+4 hit points when consuming a pint of alcohol. You can spend 1 minute swapping out a spell for a conjuration spell in the book. Both melee and ranged rogues are great at getting away from melee damage, what with their ability to disengage as a bonus action. This armor provides a +2 bonus to AC and gives your resistance to poison damage. Horseshoes of a Zephyr. This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. 351 - 379. As a reaction, you can make a melee attack against any creature in your reach that damages you. You dont need to ever show your real face. The Best Legendary Magic Items in D&D 5e 1. This wizard spellbook comes preloaded with a wide variety of spells. This necklace is made up of a number of different beads, each of which can cast a different healing spell. When you cast a spell that regains hit points, this allows you to add 1d4 to the total. This can be used as both a spellbook and spellcasting focus for a wizard. This doesnt impose disadvantage on stealth checks or on any saving throws to resist extreme heat, and it gives you a +5 bonus to initiative rolls. With these boots, you can reliably get into melee range. When you fail a dexterity saving throw, you can use this ring to succeed instead. A potion that gives you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed along with advantage on climbing checks. Four sizes of these flying carpets exist with each traveling at a different speed and being able to carry a different weight. This rod can be used to teleport 200 creatures to a paradise that exists in extraplanar space. Flying solves a lot of these issues by getting you over obstacles to where you need to be. You can use this magical quarterstaff to regain health equal to the damage you dealt. This is an additional book for 5e that includes new monsters and detailed combat scenarios. As a kid, I was often told to get my head out of the clouds and to stop living in a fantasy world. This shard, which can be used as a spellcasting focus for a sorcerer, holds the essence of an outer plane. This additional benefit makes it a much better option than the Insignia of Claws. You can use this device to cast Longstrider or Teleport on yourself. While attuned to it, a sorcerer can use their reaction to absorb a spell that is targeting them. magic items that increase constitution 5e. This orb has a stone rune on it that gives you the hardiness of stone in several ways. +2 boost your AC and keep swinging that greataxe. This shield gives you an additional +1 bonus for every ally within 5 feet of your (max +2). The effects of this amulet are simple yet powerful. As you have 15 that would be 2 extra hp per level. Most of them function by increasing your CON score. You have a limited amount of spells that you know, and your spells mostly require saving throws instead of attack rolls. These artifacts were long thought to be the only remnants of Vecna, the Undying King. You can use up to 3 charges on a hit, and it regains at least 5 charges every day. It also can be used to cast Fireball and Wall of Fire. Your entire party cannot be surprised and are woken up if asleep when combat begins. Blackrazor This greatsword is utterly insane. Now, not only do enemies need to locate you, they attack with disadvantage while you wear this cloak. Additionally, you can use the ruidium in it to gain several benefits that last 1 minute. The artificer was the first class to be added outside the Player's Handbook in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. You can hold one end of this rope and speak its command word to force it to entangle and restrain a creature. A Ring of Shooting Stars provides a very powerful and very long-ranged option for monks who want it. This book has an affinity for evocation magic. This tattoo gives you resistance to a specified damage type. This tattoo sets your AC to be the equivalent of studded leather, half plate, or plate according to its rarity. Gloves of Soul catching (legendary) Candlekeep Mysteries p 169 sets your Con score to 20. The second ability grants a creature you summon advantage on all of their attack rolls for 1 minute. It emits dim light and can be used to determine distances when dropped more than 5 feet. If youre likely to come across enemy spellcasters, the fighter is one of the first to be targeted by a spell like Hold Person or Banishment. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The spirit inside this lantern will stabilize you if youre knocked unconscious, and you can use it to cast Mage Hand. Activating an Item. Almost all barbarians wield heavy, two-handed weapons and swing for the fences. It is a holy symbol that gives you a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus. This small tome grants advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks related to geographical features or locations. This vial can be used as a spellcasting focus for sorcerers, and it provides a bonus to your spell-save DC and spell-attack bonus. Strength contributes to the character's physical abilities, while Dexterity determines their agility and finesse. This whistle gives you a flying speed thats double your walking speed for as long as you blow it, which you can do for a number of rounds equal to 5 times your Constitution modifier. Unfortunately, you only gain the bonus once, even at higher levels when you cast multiple rays. A single-use magical spray that gives the user advantage on Charisma checks against all humanoids CR 1 or lower for one hour. This also stacks with the next option. What does and doesn't count as "mitigating" a time oracle's curse? 150 Comments This rod can be used to absorb incoming spells and turn them into charges, which can then in turn be used to cast a number of spells. This book contains all of Tashas research on demons. When you speak this +1 armors command word, you can cause it to change appearance to another type of clothing or armor. This wand gives you a bonus to spell attack rolls according to its rarity and ignores 3/4 cover. This ring gives you a +1 to AC and saving throws. Since youre most effective in melee, you want to get up close; being able to fly lets you overcome any difficult terrain or uneven elements of the battlefield. If you want to hit things with a big stick, this should satisfy you. The Red Dragon Mask is associated with fire damage and allows you to burn creatures when you deal fire damage. This potion gives you 10 temporary hit points and the effects of the Bless spell for 1 hour. Nepenthe is a sentient Holy Avenger who hungers for justice and blood. You instantly die if reduced to 0 HP while wearing this ring. This is another name for an Efficient Quiver. This concertina gives a +2 bonus to a bards spell-save DC. If you die while wearing this +1 armor, each celestial, fey, and fiend must succeed on a DC 15 saving throw or be banished to its home plane of existence. This +3 sentient battleaxe ignores the effects of Shield and similar barriers of force. Maybe you want to be more light on your feet. You can also use this robe to enter the Astral Plane. This magical paper bird will fly to its target so long as it is on the same plane. This +3 warhammer instills in you a fear of being outside that gives you disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks while you can see the daytime sky. You have 120 feet of truesight when peering through this gem. Each charge expended deals an extra 1d6 force damage on a hit. This symbiotic crown can be used to cast a number of spells. Each god will grant you a different spell that you can cast with it. They grant you a +5 to Sleight of Hand checks and lockpicking checks. This item requires an attunement, typically a 'short rest', usually about an hour and it sizes up or down to fit that creature's size-shape. Speak with animals. On a critical hit, this mace automatically deals 7 extra bludgeoning damage or 14 damage against a construct. It has many properties but most notably can be used to summon hundreds of undead to its wielders service. This item also grants a +6 Enhancement . It has a flying speed of 30 feet. At least your paladin can dream of having one. This crystal sphere is both a spellcasting focus and spellbook for wizards with a number of spells psychically encoded in it when you first receive it. This arrow cant be broken except when in an Antimagic Field. This insignia gives you a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with unarmed strikes and natural weapons. This transforms it into a pool of energy that can be used later. Its bonus to AC ranges from +1 to +3, and it can polymorph you into a Giant Owl, Cave Bear, or a Guardian Wolf. These boots make your steps silent and give you advantage on stealth checks that rely on sound. Armor of Gleaming Armor that never gets dirty. While this looks like a luckstone, its actually a cursed stone that gives you a -2 to ability checks and saving throws. These four types of elemental orbs explode after 1d100 hours, causing a disastrous effect to overcome a sphere with a mile radius. This helm provides different abilities in its Dormant, Awakened, and Exalted states. Horseshoes of Speed. You can expend charges while wearing this armor to deal extra necrotic damage when you hit a creature with an attack. However, its symbiotic nature requires you to sacrifice half your hit dice to it at the end of a long rest or suffer one level of exhaustion. Its magic can be transferred to a cloak or set of boots. This circlet can be used to cast an extra accurate Scorching Ray once a day. A pennant of one of the five colleges of Strixhaven that sheds light when it is waved. A magic textbook that allows you to make improved arcana and nature checks. This holy symbol, which can be attached to armor or a shield, can let you use your reaction to turn critical hits into normal hits. If that wasnt enough once a day, you can choose any cantrip and can use it the entire day as if it were an artificer spell. This piece of amethyst can be used to manipulate gravity in several ways. This shard, which can be used as a sorcerers spellcasting focus, allows you to curse individuals after you use metamagic. This talisman allows you to better control a Sphere of Annihilation. Why I think Wish would work: I know at least of one official campaign where a riddle has an ability score increase as a possible reward and wish as a less likely one. Very Rare, Dungeon Master's Guide pg. How to see the number of layers currently selected in QGIS. While the cloak makes you harder to see, these boots make you harder to hear. A Sentinel Shield gives you advantage on initiative rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks. Certain items use the following rules for their activation. Common magical items you can use up to 3 charges on a that... Ranged rogues are great at getting away from melee damage, what their. Gives the user advantage on investigation checks that rely on sight when surveilling. To hit you keep swinging that greataxe cant be broken except when in an Antimagic Field focus for wizard! Abilities can further enhance a sorcerer can use the ruidium in it to gain several that! Bird calls according to its rarity and ignores 3/4 cover subtract 1d4 from d20! 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